Returning to the issue of my book: Face to Face/The True Story of Ciro and Gianecchini/Fashion Market Glamour and Fall!
Retomando a edição do meu livro: Face to Face/Cara a Cara/A Verdadeira História de Ciro e Gianecchini/Mercado de Moda Glamour e Queda!!! Só ficarão faltando as fotos extremamente importantes; reversão de slides para digitalização. Quando do processo de aula dele em 1991/92/93 quando foi projetado para o mercado de moda no Teatro Procópio Ferreira!!!
Returning to the issue of my book: Face to Face/The True Story of Ciro and Gianecchini/Fashion Market Glamour and Fall! Will only missing extremely important pictures; reversal of slides to scan. When his class on the 1991/92/93 process when it was designed for the fashion market in Teatro Procopio Ferreira!
Returning to the issue of my book: Face to Face/The True Story of Ciro and Gianecchini/Fashion Market Glamour and Fall! Will only missing extremely important pictures; reversal of slides to scan. When his class on the 1991/92/93 process when it was designed for the fashion market in Teatro Procopio Ferreira!
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